






  b: hi, you look upset. what's up?

  m: haven't been sleeping well recently.

  b: what's the problem?

  m: i tried to go to bed early. but i just couldn't fall asleep in bed with the other girls lights on, and noises now and then. i'm a light sleeper.

  b: i understand. i used to live in a dorm' with three people. it was great in some aspects. we always went out and had fun togeth(歧义是什么意思?歧义句意思就是:句子可以这样理解,也可以那样理解,但却不能确定究竟要表达哪种意思。)er. but on the other hand, when i wanted some quiet time, they kept talking and laughing aloud, it was torturous.

  m: living in a dorm means that you have to learn to be considerate of others.

  b: yeah but you can at least talk with them and find a solution.

  m: i don't know how to say about those things. maybe i really should have a talk with them about this matter.


  wang mei 要和她的老板到西餐厅吃饭,向daisy 请教西餐礼仪。daisy 帮她解决了这个难题。


  (以下w代表wang mei,d代表daisy)

  w: some problem is really eating away at me.

  d: what happened?

  w: i am going to a western restaurant for dinner with my boss. can you tell me some dos and don'ts? after all. courtesy costs nothing.

  d: well. first you need to make a reservation before you cat at a western restaurant. if not. you may have to wait for a long time for a table.

  w: oh, i see. anything else?

  d : when eating, don't slurp your food. western people will find it most unpleasant.

  w: but in china, it is a good way to show how much we like this food.

  d: when in rome, do as the romans do. then, you should remember to pay tip after eating.

  w: how much should i pay for the tip?

  d: the amount of the tip is up to you, but it's usually 15 to 20 percent of the bill.


  mr. wang邀请peter一起品茶,他还向peter简单介绍了一下中国茶。


  (以下w代表mr. wang,p代表peter)

  w: peter, would you like to have a cup of tea with me?

  p: yes. wich pleasure. but can you do me a favor to tell me something about chinese tea?

  w: of course. china is the homeland of tea, and mos t of chinese people like tea.

  p: well. how to make chinese tea?

  w: first. get the boiling: water ready. after you put some dried tealeaves4 into the pot. add fresh boiling water and then leave them to steep for three minutes before serving.

  p: and i have heard that there are several categories of chinese tea.

  w: yes, according to the color of tea, there are green tea, black tea, white tea and so on.

  p: which one is your favorite?

  w: do you know wulong tea? it is my favorite and it is good for health.

  p: oh, one man's meat is another man's poison.

  w: you said it. let's go to enjoy chinese tea now!

  p: great! i'ii have a shot!






