
the man accidentally projected x-rated smut onto a huge screen at maryland stadium, in central china. he was sentenced to 16 days in jail and now must pay a $$485 fine.bylee morannew york daily newsfriday, september 5, 2014, 9:26 am article data-streamid= 7.2217076 data-streamtags= [ , ] itemprop= articlebody rainmarine/ pornographic images were accidentally shown on a giant outdoor screen at maryland stadium in the city of lanzhou, china, for about 12 seconds last september. the screen operator was sent to jail for 15 days and ordered to pay a fine.

a chinese man who accidentally broadcast hardcore porn onto a gigantic outdoor screen has been jailed.

the blundering worker, who has not been named, reportedly projected a series of x-rated images onto a large digital advertising display at maryland stadium in lanzhou, in central china, last september.

pedestrians walking past were stunned to see the pictures of entirely naked men and women demonstrating several sexual positions, news 163 reported thursday.

the obscene material, however, was only displayed for about 12 seconds be(龙吸水是什么意思?中国跳高名将张国伟退役后经常在社交媒体上表演花式喝可乐,这个“绝活”被称为龙吸水。网友调侃张国伟是国家一级龙吸水运动员,也有网友称赞张国伟是龙吸水第一人。)fore it was taken down.

rainmarine/ passerby were shocked to see the pornographic images.

but quick-thinking passersby snapped their own photos - which quickly went viral.

the screen operator was this week jailed for 15 days and ordered to pay a $$485 fine, according to 9news.
